With Plastic Free July well and truly over, we’ve been looking back over our attempts to cut out plastic as a community.
Despite many of us attempting to reduce our impact, it’s important to note that none of us our perfect – last month showed that there are many barriers stopping us from avoiding plastic altogether!
Here’s our favourite picks from the month – and a few unexpected tips that may help you to cut down on your plastic consumption too!
Doing A Plastic Audit
Last month I joined millions of people across 150 countries participating in Plastic Free July – an initiative that aims to raise awareness around the issue of plastic pollution and encourage everyone to take steps to consume less single use plastic. I fell down the #zerowaste rabbit hole about three years ago, so participating in Plastic Free July for the first time was an opportunity to do a bit of an audit of where we are at with our plastic consumption.
See my results, and a photo of how much plastic I used in one month, right here!
Keep Our Beaches Clean
If I’m being honest with you I didn’t know Plastic Free July was a thing until July 1st. I saw other bloggers posting on Instagram about their low waste journeys and I thought “oh yeah, I should post something on the blog about my personal zero waste journey.” But I never got around to it because, honestly, I don’t live a super eco-friendly life when it comes to waste.
Instead, I want to focus on getting rid of the top ten items found on beaches. Find out what they are, and how to avoid them, here.
Always Use A Tote
A lot of us talk about bringing reusable canvas totes to the grocery store, but I also like to bring them when I shop for clothes and shoes!
It’s a really easy way to save on a shopping bag here and there. 🙂
Is Biodegradable Plastic the Answer?
To be honest I’m bad with cutting down plastic. I’m going to get a veg box when I go back to uni, switch from cling film to soy wax wraps, and try and de-plastic my soaps.
I wrote about biodegradable plastic – it may be the solution to our plastic obsession!
Ask For Reusables
One of the biggest changes I’ve made is to buy dry goods in bulk and load them straight into jars. Not only is this better quality organic dry goods but I love generating less waste in this way. I also love the look of all the jars in my pantry. People often comment on how beautiful it is!
How I’ve Cut Out (Some) Plastic
While I’m definitely not a zero waster, nor someone who can avoid plastic completely, there are a few areas in my life where I’ve banished plastic completely!
I think more needs to be done to support the avoidance of plastic, as well as innovations to replace plastic too. It’s still an incredibly convenient material, but its ecological impact makes it incredibly unsustainable.
Find out how I’ve reduced plastic in my life and at home here.
Small Changes Make a Big Impact
Cutting down on plastic is definitely difficult. In western society, I feel absolutely overloaded with plastic packaging, so this requires more than the usual attention on purchasing, packaging, and daily life. How do I personally avoid the use of plastic?
First, I always have a cloth bag handy in my purse in case I pop in to get groceries/shopping. I have made it a habit to always pack one. Not only does is save me from using plastic, it also helps save money from buying a plastic bag!
Second, when hunting for a fresh water bottle, I always buy either glass or stainless steel. It might cost more in the short term, but it always saves money long term – most importantly, it saves the environment!
Finally, for packaging food, I either use a glass container or dishes – never plastic wrap/ziploc bags. I firmly believe the food tastes and stays much fresher!
I hope the small changes we adopt in a daily routine effect the planet at large.
Plastic vs. Food + Beauty
I’ve done a fair few posts over the years on plastic free.
Personally my biggest struggles are food and beauty products. I’ve seriously cut down on plastic, however sometimes it really is inevitable due to convenience or the lack of options out there to keep buying things with plastic.
Here’s how I avoid plastic while grocery shopping, when buying milk, and in my toiletry bag!
Be a #PlasticFreeNomad
In July I did a campaign called #plasticfreenomad, highlighting options for travel friendly plastic free items. How do you tackle the plastic challenge as a traveller, sailor, vagabond, living a nomadic life where the only constant is there is no constant? Where travelling with glass jars and buying in bulk are not really options?
Find out more and join in here!
Photo credit: Annie Spratt