Closed: Trial Free BankTheFood App & Help Local Food Banks

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About The Brand

Name: BanktheFood

About: We are a start-up charity with the mission of helping food banks get exactly what they need, when they need, and to contribute to the effort (along with other charities and organisations) of eradicating food poverty in the UK.

The idea for the charity came from an idea of a class of children in Southend. The children were working with Southend food bank and they noticed that the food bank really struggled to communicate their REAL TIME needs to their donors. They saw that food banks use many different sources to update their needs, such as notices in supermarkets, social media, websites etc and as well as that, their food needs are constantly changing as they get donations, so this is a really arduous and timeconsuming task for food bank staff and volunteers, when they could be spending their time collecting and distributing food.

As we know, often the simplest ideas are the best and for the children, the solution to this problem was simple. To build an app which links together the food bank, with the supermarket and the donors. And this is exactly what BanktheFood does! People wishing to donate to their local food bank, can simply download BanktheFood app and follow their local food bank. The app will ping them with exactly what their local food bank needs, as they arrive at the local collection point, ie the supermarket. Reminding the donor at the precise time the reminder is needed!

Another problem is that food bank donation collection points are often situated at the end of the tills after people have shopped, meaning shoppers offer a well-meaning donation of what they think the food bank needs from their already bought shopping.

BanktheFood helps with this and aims to ensure that all food the that goes into the collection points are exactly what is needed at any given time.

The app is available to use nationally and is free to use and always will be.

The Influencer Campaign

Campaign: Trial the Free BanktheFood App and Help your Local Food Bank

Brief: Trial the free BanktheFood app and make a difference to families experiencing food poverty in your neighbourhood.

We need your help to trial the app and share your experience on your social media platforms! Our aim is to build a larger, more visible presence in the UK. 

BanktheFood offers a virtual solution to a tangible (and increasingly significant) problem. It offers users an opportunity to support people in their local community.

Our desire for growth is not just growth for growths sake, but as part of a belief that more people use the app, the more it will help food banks, and in turn help food poverty in the UK.

BanktheFood app is freely available to anyone in the UK with a smart phone (and it always will be… in app purchases, ever)

The tech is really clever and recently won a Huawei award for Best app innovation in Europe.

As a charity, we can’t offer payment but this is an incredibly worthy cause – you can really make a difference to those in need. We are also looking for ambassadors for BanktheFood.

Twitter: @BanktheFoodUK
Insta: @BanktheFood

We’re Looking For Influencers Who…

Cover these categories: Environment, Food, Lifestyle, Parenting, Technology

Are based in: United Kingdom

In Return, You’ll Get…

Compensation: Contact For More Details

Closing date: 10th March 2022

This Campaign Is Now Closed


Who We’ve Worked With