About The Brand
Name: ecomersh
About us: ecomersh has launched as a sustainable alternative to polluting marketplaces – all of our products are plastic free and delivered in eco friendly packaging.
Our partners are all carefully selected to ensure we are staying true to our ethos, right down the packaging. Where possible only sustainable and recyclable materials are used, and definitely no plastic packaging. In instances where tape is used we reach for the paper tape every time.
We work hard with our partners to ensure this remains standard procedure and consult or supply our partners if necessary to ensure all packaging is sustainable.
The internet uses a lot of energy, over 10% of the world’s energy! ecomersh’s brand was conceived with simplicity in mind using minimal details and clean lines. Our colour selection and graphic style allows ecomersh to be experienced at a lower screen brightness meaning you use less energy across all devices, try it now, turn that screen down.
Big images, complex graphics, video streaming, multiple fonts and colours all add up, making each page ‘heavier’. The amount of data that is served when you look at our website has been calculated, refined, and only loads when it is needed. This all provides you with the most efficient browsing experience, spending less time, having the least impact on our planet
We also use the most recent caching solutions to deliver you ‘static pages’ which are stored locally on your device once loaded. This means that returning customers make even less environmental impact when loading ecomersh on their device
The Feature Opportunity
Opportunity: ecomersh launches as sustainable alternative to polluting marketplaces
Brief: Blogging for us is key – we would like to work with a system where the blogger posts the blog with a link and we will in turn post the same post on our blog with a link to their website.
What we are trying to do with this is boost both pages and build up for maximum exposure – including a link in the article and posting on both blogger and website blogs helps with SEO positioning.
I am open to the idea of sending bloggers products to test out.
We’re Looking For Influencers Who…
Cover these categories: Environment, Fashion, Home, Lifestyle, Vegan
Are based in: U.K.
In Return, You’ll Get…
Compensation: Affiliate Commission, Gifted Product
Closing date: 9th October 2020