How We Got Into Yoga

Influencer Stories: How We Got Into Yoga | Ethical Influencers

Happy International Yoga Day! Yoga is an incredibly popular form of exercise, and the Ethical Influencers community certainly enjoys it too!

As a form of exercise that can be practiced at home or with others, by beginners and experts alike, it’s definitely a great equaliser. And it’s also a brilliant tool for both the mind and body, connecting both through its poses and breathing routines.

Here’s why some of our members love it:

Alena of Soul Mamma | Ethical Influencers
“Yoga is a practice that over the years I might sometimes do loads of and the other time not-so-loads of! Regardless of how much I practice it each week, there is a fundamental shift that occurs when mind and body are connected with breath and movement.

It has affected my births, my thinking, my friendships and relationships, and my body – all positively. This ancient art, philosophy and practice has the potential to transform lives on so many levels large and small.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret – even if you are not a daily practicing, vegan, super flexible yogi you can still gain a heap from doing it at all.”

Alena of Soul Mamma

Anna of Bella Green | Ethical Influencers

“I love doing exercise that gets my heart racing, hurts and gets the sweat flowing.

However personally, nothing beats yoga. Yoga for me is a time to reflect and realign my body.

I do it either early in the morning, which helps me start my day on a positive note, or after work, which stretches out all the aches and pains generated through sitting at a desk.

It’s my only time in the day that I’m not distracted by my phone, social media or thoughts. It’s great for both the mind and body.”

Anna of Bella Green

Becky of PinksCharming | Ethical Influencers

“Although I find yoga really difficult, due to having very short hamstrings and fairly poor balance, I know it is doing my body a power of good.

A long-standing back problem has all but disappeared since I started going to yoga, so I know it works. I also find it helps with stress management, as I have to concentrate so hard on getting the moves right, there is no space in my brain for anything else.”

Becky of PinksCharming

+ Read more about her yoga journey here

Besma of Curiously Conscious | Ethical Influencers

“Making time for yoga can often feel like a chore, but every time I commit that time on the mat, I feel rewarded and more balanced for it.

It’s one of those types of exercise that you can tailor to your own ability, and even how you’re feeling. I like to follow yoga videos on YouTube – usually Yoga with Adriene. My favourite place to practice is on my roof!”

Besma of Curiously Conscious

+ Read more about her yoga journey here

Photo credit: GMB


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