Happy International Yoga Day! Yoga is an incredibly popular form of exercise, and the Ethical Influencers community certainly enjoys it too!
As a form of exercise that can be practiced at home or with others, by beginners and experts alike, it’s definitely a great equaliser. And it’s also a brilliant tool for both the mind and body, connecting both through its poses and breathing routines.
Here’s why some of our members love it:

It has affected my births, my thinking, my friendships and relationships, and my body – all positively. This ancient art, philosophy and practice has the potential to transform lives on so many levels large and small.
And I’ll let you in on a little secret – even if you are not a daily practicing, vegan, super flexible yogi you can still gain a heap from doing it at all.”

“I love doing exercise that gets my heart racing, hurts and gets the sweat flowing.
However personally, nothing beats yoga. Yoga for me is a time to reflect and realign my body.
I do it either early in the morning, which helps me start my day on a positive note, or after work, which stretches out all the aches and pains generated through sitting at a desk.
It’s my only time in the day that I’m not distracted by my phone, social media or thoughts. It’s great for both the mind and body.”

“Although I find yoga really difficult, due to having very short hamstrings and fairly poor balance, I know it is doing my body a power of good.
A long-standing back problem has all but disappeared since I started going to yoga, so I know it works. I also find it helps with stress management, as I have to concentrate so hard on getting the moves right, there is no space in my brain for anything else.”

“Making time for yoga can often feel like a chore, but every time I commit that time on the mat, I feel rewarded and more balanced for it.
It’s one of those types of exercise that you can tailor to your own ability, and even how you’re feeling. I like to follow yoga videos on YouTube – usually Yoga with Adriene. My favourite place to practice is on my roof!”
Photo credit: GMB