Rebecca of The Intentional Mum Podcast

Rebecca of The Intentional Mum Podcast | Ethical Influencers


Name: Rebecca
Blog: A Minimalist Mother
Categories: Fashion, Home, Lifestyle, Parenting

About Rebecca

Rebecca is the creator and host of A Minimalist Mother, an intentional living for positive parents. Rebecca helps parents create a joyful intentional and sustainable lifestyle by embracing minimalism. The Intentional Mum podcast provides inspiration for parents who want to live more intentionally and sustainably. Each week Rebecca speaks to inspiring womxn doing great things – whether that’s gentle parenting, intersectional environmentalism or eco-friendly living.

Over on Instagram, Rebecca also shares tips and advice for getting started with minimalism and how living with less can help us to be more sustainable. And on her blog, Rebecca writes longer pieces about minimalism and environmental issues.


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