Opportunity Closed: Review Fruit & Veg Boxes from Shop & Donate

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About The Brand

Name: Shop and Donate

About us: Shop & Donate sell groceries from our partners such as UK farms and markets. Your contribution goes towards providing food, basic essentials and other services such as telephone befriending and aftercare support for Covid-19 patients, which gives those leaving the hospital a food package for when they arrive home. We also donate food packages to NHS Staff across the UK as well as local vulnerable residents within our community.

More info: https://shopanddonate.org

The Social Opportunity

Opportunity: Review our Fruit and Veg Boxes

Brief: We want to work with influencers that want to help our process in helping the NHS Staff across the UK as well as local vulnerable residents within our community.

We are willing to gift you with one of our fruit or veg boxes: https://shopanddonate.org/product-category/groceries/

We are open for negotiation for fees per post. 
Please send us your Media Kit.

We’re Looking For Influencers Who…

Cover these categories: Environment, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Vegetarian, Vegan

Are based in: U.K.

In Return, You’ll Get…

Compensation: Free Entry, Gifted Product, Payment, Vouchers, Contact For More Details

Closing date: 24th September 2020

This Opportunity Is Now Closed


Who We’ve Worked With