About The Brand
Name: #EndPeriodPlastic Campaign
About us: Are you ready to take action and talk about period plastic?!
Hi, my name is Ella! I am an environmental activist and in 2018 I started the #EndPeriodPlastic campaign. It calls on manufacturers and supermarkets to remove plastic from their menstrual products, as it is crucial that we eliminate it at source.
The campaign has received overwhelmingly positive support from individuals and groups across the globe and to date has over 212,000 signatures! It is leading to significant change in the industry and has so far resulted in manufacturers developing eco-friendly ranges and three UK retailers stopping the production of their plastic tampon applicators, a move collectively saving over 17 tonnes of plastic annually!
The plastic pollution conversation is dominated by items like bags, bottles and straws, yet the hidden plastic in period products rarely gets discussed, meaning many are unaware of the issue. That is why this Plastic Free July, I am encouraging individuals to take action in support of the campaign by raising awareness of period plastic on their Instagram feed with their community.
The Social Opportunity
Opportunity: Support the #EndPeriodPlastic campaign on Instagram
Brief: This action involves posting a picture of yourself holding a board with a message written on it – like the one in the image above.
How to take part:
- Get some paper or recycled cardboard and a thick pen.
- Write something on it to start the conversation – you can use an example below or create your own:
- Let’s break the plastic cycle, period.
- Period products contain up to 90% plastic!
- I don’t want plastic in my period products!
- I say no to period plastic
- End Period Plastic
- Ditch Period Plastic
- Take a picture of yourself holding the sign.
- Post your picture on your grid and get the conversation flowing – you could include facts as a starting point! Period plastic facts:
- Conventional tampons and pads can contain up to 90% plastic.
- Period products are the fifth most common item found polluting Europe’s beaches.
- Due to their plastic content period products take over 500 years to break down.
- Make sure to use the campaign hashtag #EndPeriodPlastic and tag me (@elladaish) so I can see and share your pictures! Please also encourage people to add their voice to the campaign by signing the campaign at www.change.org/plasticfreeperiods. Thank you!
We’re Looking For Influencers Who…
Cover these categories: Environment, Health, Lifestyle, Other, Plastic, Sustainability, Vegetarian, Vegan
Are based in: Global
In Return, You’ll Get…
Compensation: Contact For More Details
Closing date: 31st July 2020