Angelina of EcoWorlder

Angelina of EcoWorlder | Ethical Influencers


Name: Angelina
Instagram: Ecoworlder
Categories: Environment, Food, Health, Vegan

About Angelina

The plethora of conflicting information about health, (plant-based) nutrition, and sustainability can leave you confused and disillusioned about the world of online vegan lifestyle advice. EcoWorlder is a transparent, evidence-based digital resource to help the vegan-curious navigate through the swamp of nutrition myths and health fables. Whether you’re vegan like Angelina, or simply curious to learn more about how you too can lead a healthier, planet-friendlier life, EcoWorlder aims to answer the questions you’ve always asked yourself about the plant-based approach.

With EcoWorlder, Angelina has created the evidence-based guide that she wished she would have had at the beginning of her plant-based journey!


Who We’ve Worked With…